Silk Road forums
Discussion => Off topic => Topic started by: SuperDimitri on January 12, 2012, 09:47 pm
OK, so I joined in hopes of being a vendor, but a look back at most of my posts will show you I was a retard in an ocean of Einstein's, so I have held off, and started studying. Safety is always my first priority, and selling online is an art maybe best left to Einstein's. I am an autodidact, so I am just going to have to learn a new subject. OK, I point this out, so vendors don't go spouting off about security this and that. I know, I KNOW that being a vendor on SR is tough, BUT, here is my complaint, and it mostly deals with MDMA, Herb, Hash, Shrooms, LSD, & DMT.
Most vendors are claiming to be the grower, maker, or manufacturer of these things, soooooo....why such high fucking prices?!?!?
I mean, $120+ for a quad of herb or hash? Is this a joke, are you REALLY that fucking greedy? Never in my life have I heard of the grower getting MORE than street prices for their wares!
YES, I HAVE factored in the cost of a vac, plastic, and shipping, INCLUDING fuel, which for me would entail a 240 miles round-tripper. Read my threads if you're really curious, but yes, I am isolated, and even driving all those miles, getting only 20MPG in my gas guzzler, and I still think I could devastate MOST vendors. TUS, 303BOB303, & new guy Jayesh all have decent pricing schedules. TUS would be my main competitor if I were vending right now.
INCLUDING shipping, SR fees, etc, I think a fair price schedule for Herb/Hash would be $75/quad, TOPS! Yes, seriously. You're the one fucking making it, right? From the bud you grew, right? Then why you charging MORE than street prices?? I don't get it. Not at all. Oh, wait, yes I do, you see a chance to make fast cash. $$ sparkling in your eyes. I have it, too,my friend. believe, I do. But, I couldn't get away with charging MORE than street prices IF I were the one making it, or growing it. I don't normally see the grower getting more than street value. It's insane.
Where I live, GOOD bud, what you all like to call medical, everyone does these days, goes for $80-100 a quad. THAT is street pricing. the seller gets it at half that. I think if you're growing good herb, you shouldn't be charging more than $200 per oz. Ever. Otherwise, you're a greedy hatemonger.
We all want a revolution, but I think over-charging isn't the way to achieve this. Especially now, with the raised SR fee. You REALLY want to revolutionize the underground drug life? Seriously? Then GIVE IT AWAY FOR FREE. But I move for an overall price reduction.
Here, we have a National, and possibly a World market. you go from selling an Oz a day, to a HP. Why wouldn't you have wholesale pricing,too? Why is it MORE than street price? Please explain your greed to me.
Once I get a good friend, some more funds for a new comp, and learn the ropes that you all already know, I will be here to make FAT stacks, while offering FULL bags of goodies, at competitive prices. If I can go from 3 customers, to 300, or even 3,000 a week, I will destroy you all.
And to those who don't believe in me, bring them here, and KILL them before me!.
I think if you're the grower, or right-hand man/woman of the grower, you shouldn't charge $200/oz for herb/hash, and never more than $80 for a quad.
Shrooms even cheaper! Street price in my area is $130/oz, TOPS! Usually $35 a quad. What's that mean for the grower? that means he sells it for $65/oz. and since even a tiny indoor op of shrooms can yield 4 oz a week, I think it's fair. In the early part of the century, I was selling them on shroomery,org for $50/oz. glad I never got popped, learning what I have learned here about how I was SO vulnerable back then. Even now. But everyone on that forum was cool as fuck. I miss the shroomery.
DMT has dropped in price since I joined, so not too much to complain on anymore. Other than...potency, and purity. DON'T listen to everyone. I smoke a LOT of DMT, and I can tell you there MAY BE, and I stress that strongly, a 1 hit difference between yellow, and pure shard, as far as potentcy. I think pure shard/fishscale should go for $100/g, and yellow for $60/g, and I see cheaper prices than that, now.
I'll (in da future) be offering MHRB at a WAY better price than what's it's available for on SR! Way better. I was thinking $100/lb, fine ground MHRB. Maybe even $75/lb.
and MDMA, pricing is almost in line with street, just a bit more, but it's all in EU!! I can get a ball of molly at a show for $175. And yes, it's good molly,but there aren't many shows round these here parts. So, that's the one thing I would like to get my hands on, and turnaround, but even though it's not readily available in my area, no one is going to pay these prices,let alone even more so I could make a profit.
And now, with the new SR fee raise, I don't see prices coming down at all. Everyone wants to squeeze that last golden penny out of the iron ore. I wish I had studied some IT course when in school! I'd already be vending. Instead, I chose to learned botany, organic chemistry, biology, and psychology <---nuts, right? I was/am a child of the Earth, and wanted to know more, but a real smart person would have realized that Earth is out, and Tech is in.
Anyway, that's my hash fueled rant for the day. I want cheaper pricing on SR. this isn't the last stop shop in the street, packed in orange and red balloons and held in our mouths. Here, we have the privileged distinction of being able to contact the #1 or #2 people on the totem pole, and they are raping us, anally, and without lube. At the very least, ask permission!
Supply and demand. They will sell the product for as much as people are willing to pay. Beats me why people would pay some of the prices on here.
All it takes is one person to sell like this great man is talking, and all of the sellers will fall! Hail OP!
But seriously, if you do decide to start selling for the prices your talking... You've got your first customer.
And these weed prices are better than my hometown prices, we get okay smoke for $20 a gram. No growers or anything within 200 miles, so yeah...SR is better than street prices for me.
50$ for an O of shrooms? Where the fuck do you live! Our price is $60 for an 1/8th and they come in town once per 3 months!
I feel ya brah, but he's right - as long as people are paying, the prices will stay up. competition is the best hope we have of making things a bit more 'fair'.
Depending on where you live, some of the products aren't a bad deal at all. I'll probably never order benzos, opiates, weed, and most psychs here, but MDMA powder and Ketamine is much more expensive where I live. You just have to pick and choose. If it's too expensive, then don't buy it. :)
SR is clearly not your only choice - it's simply an option.
If you came here to drop the prices, you are welcome!
Also, EU or USA?
If you came here to drop the prices, you are welcome!
Also, EU or USA?
Actually, just to make a bit of dough, and was astounded by a lot of prices.
Also, @ everyone, I know a LOT of it depends on location, and maybe I am a bit jaded. I know some people in South America, Africa, lots of EU countries, still, and the Middle East, have to brave some really super scary shit to get a buzz. War zone type shit. So, if that were me, I'd gladly pay my soul for some relief from that mayhem. But I would estimate that percent of users is low, anyway, considering the circumstances.
All it takes is one person to sell like this great man is talking, and all of the sellers will fall! Hail OP!
But seriously, if you do decide to start selling for the prices your talking... You've got your first customer.
And these weed prices are better than my hometown prices, we get okay smoke for $20 a gram. No growers or anything within 200 miles, so yeah...SR is better than street prices for me.
50$ for an O of shrooms? Where the fuck do you live! Our price is $60 for an 1/8th and they come in town once per 3 months!
Actually, there are now a few that I have seen. TheUsualSuspect, 303Bob303, new guy Jayesh all have good prices. And Christy Nugs isn't too expensive, either.
I am waiting on an order from both TUS & CN.
When I lived near Philly, I could pull $70/quad for shrooms, and it blew my mind, as they considered THAT wholesale. for a long time I was mailing lbs back after I moved, for $2K each. It still blows my mind.
And as far as vending, it would've been more than I could handle at the moment. It's down the road for me, as of yet. Thankfully, 2 very nice people saw some of my posts, and smelled my newbness from miles away, PM'd me, and got me to rationalize.
My whole rant, is because the middle-ocracy is erased here, so I just thought pricing would be better. I see they raise their prices to coincide with their SR fee schedules, but any savvy businessperson knows that the fee schedule is there to BRING you customers. It's like advertising. TO THE WORLD. Let's run the numbers simply. Let's say you have 3 people who buy 1 unit of your product a week. So, 3 units a week. Locally. then, you open up Nationally, or even Globally. IS IT WORTH 10% OF YOUR PROFITS TO INCREASE SALES BY A MULTIPLE OF 10? And I believe that's low-balling. The answer is YES. Even if you keep your wholesale price, you are now getting 30 units sold per week. Minus the 10%, you are technically profiting from 27 units. Which is 24 MORE units than you would have sold. Simple economics says to keep your price the same, not raise it because you have a wider audience. I don't care your race or ethnicity, if you ain't rich, you are always bargain hunting.
I read all of this and I somewhat agree. I only came here for opiates because I'm new to a town in which I have no dealer and opiates have been impossible to find.
If I still had connections I wouldn't even have ventured on to the silk road..
But charging over street prices on weed is ridiculous. But for the rarity of opiates, I guess you can call it fair game paying more for it.
If the market continues to exist it it will probably see prices drop. The reason why prices are high are because of the ease of use of SR, Absorbing scam buyers & covering reshippings, SR's cut, risk and danger etc etc.
Basically SR has the potential for massive demand but currently a small vendor base, the result is what you see now, I'm not saying its bad or wrong just it's what people will accept.
Personally I try to keep my prices low because I value quantity but it's easy to see why people charge more I mean it's easier to ship less orders, less time consuming and less hoops to jump through to get your money at the end. That said the regional advantages have lead to some products having very good prices compared to f2f which I like.
That and I imagine theres a large market of people who for their own reasons won't meet dealers in real life and so are willing to pay extra just for ease.
We need more sellers. The more competition, the better. The supply is too limited and comes from too few of sources. The problem is SR needs to stay under the radar - if we get a huge market going on, sure the prices would be better, but security wouldn't be. At least, thats my 2 cents.
I want to bring domestic H , MDMA and Ketamine to the table (north america)
Seller registration is closed though. No competition = No price decreases.
Im really surprised SR hasn't made a statement about why it is closed and when it will be opened
@Reich, you have some very valid, and good points. Some is lost on scams, but scams are going to decrease very soon. No early finalize, and no OOE, but you're still going to run into a douchebag that claims it was short, or SOMETHING to get a refund, or partial refund. No matter what culture, we have to deal with fuckheads.
@Tony76, I would suppose it might have something to do with the recent maintenance. Have you sent a message to SR Support?
I don't want anyone who actually read any of this thread to think I am knocking INDIVIDUALS. Every single vendor has balls and tits of fucking STEEL. SR him/her/themsleves are goddamn geniuses. They all work extremely hard to provide. And I still think SR and it's inhabitants are pretty damn intriguing.
It also doesn't mean I am not willing to try some of these products...of course, not the $140 a quad stuff. I might go as high as $120
It was just my own way of thinking, I suppose, of a small fee for worldwide advertising.
If we REDUCE the cost of drugs by throwing out the middleman, I think we reduce the violent crime in urban areas, expand into rural areas, and supply the poor. If everyone's high, THEN we can begin a revolution!
@Drugfather....mmmmmm, opiates! I was also looking for those, but it's been over a decade since I've done H,and there's no opium ever listed. I do have access to opium, but usually only July-Sept. It never lasts long!! And there's never enough. I was tempted by some H listing a couple weeks ago, but they were in CAN. The 2 US vendors have funny names I never heard of, BMORE & Scramble, maybe it's cuz I'm a bumpkin? But I am afraid I will fall into the hole, again.
OK, off to the road, hopefully CN has some hash up, again!
Would like some cheaper doses, too! Again, saw good price, but it was Abjorn, he has great reviews, but I ain't afraid to admit that customs scares me.
Just to throw in my .02 BTC, it seems like a lot of new vendors try to sell for better prices. But people here just stick with the more well established sellers, who are the ones charging somewhat ridiculous rates.
Yes, but it looks like a few of them are knocking down barriers!
OK, so I joined in hopes of being a vendor, but a look back at most of my posts will show you I was a retard in an ocean of Einstein's, so I have held off, and started studying. Safety is always my first priority, and selling online is an art maybe best left to Einstein's. I am an autodidact, so I am just going to have to learn a new subject.
Maybe it's a throwaway comment, but have you ever heard of the Dunning-Kruger effect? IMHO, from the way you're anticipating problems which haven't arisen yet, you're much street smarter than you think you are.
Hey there all you price hunters (jk)
I was reading this topic with quite a big interest (I'm a seller). I do understand all the points you are making, and I think you're quite right. Still I have to bring some nuance to it, every seller is free to ask their own prices, it's up to the customer wether he want's to pay or not.
Still, I do understand your point and I lowered the price of mdma; 1 gram for btc 6.5(price fluctuates cause of the currency chart). I can not deny that it is also used to establish myself as a vendor. But i truly believe this is fair price.
Supply and demand, guys. If you raise your prices and don't lose too many customers, you win. If you drop your prices and gain enough customers, you win. Otherwise, you lose. If demand drops, the first one to lower can make up for his losses, others who follow later won't be as lucky. It's very simple.
Obviously, I want prices to drop since I'm only buying. But with these commission increases for low volumes, all I"m realistically hoping is that the prices won't rise too much on average.
lucid deliberation, so nice and refreshing 8)
Hey there all you price hunters (jk)
I was reading this topic with quite a big interest (I'm a seller). I do understand all the points you are making, and I think you're quite right. Still I have to bring some nuance to it, every seller is free to ask their own prices, it's up to the customer wether he want's to pay or not.
Still, I do understand your point and I lowered the price of mdma; 1 gram for btc 6.5(price fluctuates cause of the currency chart). I can not deny that it is also used to establish myself as a vendor. But i truly believe this is fair price.
You should really put your link in your profile so when you make posts like this it's easy for someone to find your stuff, don't you think?
Thanks Variety Jones! I did pick up your advice.